Curious Mike

Kat Emrick on Surviving Human Trafficking, Finding Forgiveness, and Conspiracy vs. Reality

In this episode Michael sits down with Kat Emrick, a wonderful human, mother, and business owner to discuss her experience with human trafficking and all of the ways it has impacted her life. She discusses the path to healing and forgiveness and how these tragic events have shaped her purpose.

You can find Michael Porter Jr’s Podcast ‘Curious Mike’ here. His personal IG is here and his podcast IG is here. You can also follow his sister/producer here.


Soft White Underbelly Interview

Soft White Underbelly interview & portrait of Kat, a sex trafficking survivor.

The Eff It Madres Podcast

In this episode, we speak with Kat Emrick, a single madre of 4, who decided to say EFF IT and tell herself that it is ok to not fit into the box of what society thinks motherhood and family structures should look like for so many people. At the end of the day, whatever you and your family “looks” like shouldn’t matter. What matters is that our kids are happy and loved, and however that looks like for you is just the way it should be for you and your family. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise! You just have to EFFing stop looking at the ground, step out of your shell and be seen for the incredible mom that you are.